Zenbev Drykkur Mix er klínískt sannað lyfjaform sem ætlað er að miða á kvíða á daginn og svefnleysi á nóttunni. Búið til með náttúrulegum og lífrænum innihaldsefnum matarins – Zenbev, hefur engar aukaverkanir og stuðlar að áberandi betri svefni án syfju á daginn. Þessi einstaka lyfjaþróaða lyfjaform er mjög áhrifarík leið til að draga úr bæði vakandi nótt og félagsfælni. Zenbev er þurrt duft sem hægt er að blanda með drykknum að eigin vali til að búa til ljúffengan og róandi drykk. Zenbev er öruggt, einfalt í notkun og myndar ekki vana, án hættu á umburðarlyndi eða umburðarlyndi. Prófaðu Zenbev í dag og gefðu líkamanum innihaldsefnin sem hann þarf til að koma af stað náttúrulegum svefntruflunum og kvíða léttir!
- Lífrænt graskerfrjómjöl
- Dextrose
- Náttúrulegur bragð
- Hríssterkja
- Guar Gum
Randi P –
I struggled with always feeling sluggish in the morning even after getting a full six to eight hours of sleep, so I started taking ZenBev. ZenBev was the right choice. I felt comfortable consuming the product as it is a natural alternative to most sleeping products out there. It also improved my quality of sleep and it is a relaxing thing to drink before bed to get me into a routine of sleep. I don’t waste more then 15 mins trying to fall asleep now and I wake up ready to start my day.
Heather S. –
I have been taking Zenbev for a year. I am waking up less often, and when I do wake up, I am able to fall back asleep.
I feel better during the day. I am able to exercise regularly. I am making healthy choices with food, and I know it is all because I have had a good nights sleep.
Thank you Zenbev!
Gaurav R. –
I use this product when my sleep cycle is disrupted – which can be often – given the varying demands on my schedule. The sleep is comfortable and restful and I wake up feeling fresh and rejuvenated. I don’t feel groggy and leaden in the morning as can be the case with many other sleep supplements.
My 80 year old parents use this often and they find it very useful.
Typically I have it in a lemon & ginger tea or in a yogurt mix.
This is a wonderful product.
(Please follow the instructions and it will work very well)
Jean S. –
I am beyond thrilled with this product! After spending most of my life (I am 61) with sleeping issues, and trying almost every trick – this one works like crazy for me. I mix it with yogurt and enjoy it before bed; then add in my relaxing stretches and music. Sleep hygiene is also crucial. It is amazing to wake up, roll over or use the toilet and actually go back to sleep. My life is changed and my gratitude is huge.