What Does Dependence on Medications Mean?

May 02, 2023

In discussions of the science behind sleep-based medications, terms such as tolerance and dependence are often misunderstood. Tolerance and dependence are linked, but distinct. To better understand the world of prescription and over-the-counter medications and their sleep side effects, it helps to really understand these subcategories. Dependence, specifically, will be commonly confused with addiction and vice versa, however, these terms – and how they play out- are fundamentally distinct. This article will aim to dispel any confusion regarding dependence and illustrate just how interlinked sleep medications are with the concept.

Dependence on Medications

When a user of any given drug, pharmaceutically or recreationally, begins to feel as though their everyday function is no longer the same without it, this is called dependence. While addiction refers to the lack of mental control over substance use, dependence is concerned with the physical side of the coin. Those who are dependent on a substance will often feel as though it is a necessity in their life.

On a biological level, dependence can manifest as a result of repeated saturation of a drug’s respective functional compounds. As the brain has become accustomed to a significantly heightened level of neurotransmitters or hormones, a medication’s user may experience cravings and withdrawals once they have gone without their substance for an extended period of time.

This can be especially harmful when considering sleep medications and their unintended long-term consequences. More often than not, sleep drugs will lead to dependence for the consumer, which can bring about a difficult cycle to break. Those who rely on nightly pharmaceutical sleep aids will find that it is very difficult to get a good night’s rest if they miss even one dose. When done with a prescription, it can take upwards of 1-2 weeks for dependency to diminish, presenting the risk of withdrawal and temptations when experiencing difficulty sleeping. Although some sleep medications may be necessary depending on one’s situation, it is best to avoid their use for matters that can be better resolved through healthy sleep practices.

To summarize, dependence is a distinct term that falls into a similar category of substance effects such as tolerance. Where it is different is in the physical manner it presents itself. While tolerance is the elevated level required to achieve the substance’s desired effect, dependence refers to the negative effects of prolonged substance use itself. See our similar article on tolerance for a fully fleshed-out picture of sleep substances in all of their forms.

The Zenbev Difference

Unlike many pharmaceutical sleeping aids and over-the-counter remedies, Zenbev does not induce dependency. Zenbev Drink Mix is not a pill or a drug. If you should decide to take a break from regular consumption of Zenbev, you will find no withdrawal symptoms or impairment to your sleep habits resulting from discontinued use. This a benefit of our all-natural formula that alternatives simply cannot provide. To avoid getting wrapped up in the harmful cycle of sleep medication dependency, consider Zenbev as a reliable option for sleep aid through 100% natural means.