The Role of Sleep in Memory and Learning

September 22, 2023

We need our brains sharp like never before. Poor sleep can interfere with many facets of our life, learning and memory consolidation included. Improved sleep has been shown in four studies from Harvard Medical School to increase learning, memory and creativity. How can we get more of all of the above?

A Memory is Made

How is a lasting memory created? A memory forms in three stages. First, the brain is introduced to new information. Next, the memory is consolidated where the recently acquired information becomes stabilized in the mind. Finally, there is recall, which as you might have guessed, is the brain’s ability to revisit or return to a memory to access information.

Learning Relies on Sleep Quality

After a few nights of sub-optimal sleep, you may notice it is more difficult for you to absorb and retain information. Your ability to focus is reduced and you may struggle with remembering information you learned in the past. These indicators occur because neuron function decreases without adequate sleep. As a result, the brain struggles to retain and recall information.

Poor sleep can also impact decision-makings skills, impair planning skills, impede creativity and decrease the ability to evaluate a given circumstance with accuracy. Learning depends on all these mental processes falling into line.

Zenbev for Natural Sleep

Zenbev Drink Mix is the best way to ensure that you get natural sleep as consistently as possible. Zenbev works within your body, not against it. Zenbev works to reset your normal sleep mechanisms by boosting the body’s own melatonin production. How cool is that? If you are concerned about lack of sleep affecting your sharpness and focus, Zenbev can help keep your mental functioning optimal by promoting and prolonging natural sleep.

Linking Memory Types and Sleep Levels

Sleep appears to influence the formation of both declarative and procedural memories. Declarative memories consist of knowledge that is based on facts or information. Researchers believe REM sleep is integral to learning new information that is complex or has an emotional element. Meanwhile, slow-wave sleep is believed to aid in consolidation of these types of memories.

Procedural memories consist of experiences that are more tactile, like learning how to drive a car or ride a bike. Slow-wave sleep and REM sleep are both important for stabilizing procedural memories.

What Is the Takeaway?

The relationship between sleep, memory and learning is a topic under considerably study in the scientific community. What we know for certain is a correlation between sleep and memory formation, as well as the brain’s aptitude for learning, does exist. Sleep quality and quantity should always be maintained at optimal levels to preserve cognitive functioning and emotional well-being.