All about Moms

May 04, 2021

Research suggests that the average woman sleeps 8 hours and 27 minutes per night. While this sleep duration may sound just fine, the quality of women’s sleep is considered to be less than ideal. Factors like hormones, chronic pain, and caregiving responsibilities all contribute to the disturbances that are experienced. Read on as we explore these factors further.

Sleep Problems

According to the Office of Women’s Health, one in four women has insomnia symptoms. These symptoms include trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or both. Pain affects sleep, and many conditions that cause chronic pain tend to be more common among women. One condition, in particular, is fibromyalgia which causes stiffness and aches throughout the body. Dealing with this pain all through the day is tiring. It can make for both a difficult time falling asleep and an increase in nighttime awakenings. Restless Leg Syndrome is another sleep problem that is more common in women than men. RLS triggers a powerful urge to move your legs which can make it quite hard to wind down.

Physical Changes

During their menstrual cycle, some women experience discomforts such as headaches, cramps, and bloating. These symptoms can result in frequent tossing and turning in bed until the pain subsides. Progesterone levels also drop just before menstruation starts, which can have an impact on sleep quality as well.

When it comes to pregnancy, particularly in the third trimester, it is common for insomnia to be heightened. A growing baby belly already makes it hard to get comfortable in bed. Rest time that is broken up by back pains, fetal movement, and a constant need to urinate can make for an irritable mother-to-be.

During menopause, hormone levels fluctuate dramatically. As a result of these changes, some women experience hot flashes and sweating, leading to discomfort and sleeplessness. Studies also suggest that women may spend less time in REM sleep when they are going through menopause. A lack of time spent in this stage of sleep can result in experiencing migraines, and generally feeling less well-rested.

 Caregiving – Family & Social Roles

Often acting as the primary caregiver, mothers tend to experience more fragmented sleep than fathers. This is particularly true after the birth of a child. The data suggests that in the first year of a baby’s life, a new parent loses approximately 109 minutes of sleep every night. And where exactly are those 109 minutes going? Towards feeding, changing diapers, cleaning, and tending to the other many needs that children have.

For working mothers, juggling a busy career and family life can push time for rest to the bottom of the priority list. The concept of the double shift comes into play here, as mothers often consider the workload at home to be equivalent to, and sometimes even more exhausting than the work they do at their day jobs. For women who also provide care to elderly parents, this fatigue may amplify. Worrying about the health of a loved one, or having to closely monitor them in the event of a crisis is a heavy responsibility that can cause high levels of stress.

Helping Mom Get Back to Sleep

In many families, mothers are the glue that holds everything together. They work hard and deserve to sleep well. While there is no magic formula for getting the perfect night’s sleep, Zenbev comes pretty close! For those whose slumber is often interrupted by a crying baby or an elderly parent who has woken up in the middle of the night, quickly drifting back off to sleep can seem impossible. Zenbev has been clinically proven to reduce the sleeplessness that comes with nighttime awakenings and can help maintain sleep all night long. In addition, Zenbev is best in the middle of the night at helping you get back to sleep as demonstrated in our clinical trials.

When it comes to menopause, coping with hormonal changes can be tough. The last thing that menopausal women want to deal with is experimenting with medication that could potentially cause further imbalances. Turning to a natural sleep supplement like Zenbev means no risk of side effects and restful sleep that is free of discomfort.

Finally, outsourcing tasks can help take some pressure off. If you are the primary caregiver in your household, consider speaking up about your sleep needs. Ask for help when you need it, and accept help from your partner, babysitter, friends and family when they offer. Help can look like a trusted one taking your toddler off your hands while you get some rest. It can also look like a loved one getting chores done around the house when you lack energy.

Moms are great at doing things for others. Give back by helping the Moms in your life get the much-needed sleep in theirs!