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Algengar spurningar

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Is Zenbev a drug?
No. It is an all-natural food made from organic pumpkinseeds, dextrose, guar gum, rice starch, and natural flavour.
How long should one jar last?
One 250g jar provides 25 servings and should last between 3-4 weeks, assuming a dosage of 1 scoop per day. You may need to take more at the beginning depending on the severity of your sleep problem. Once you notice the effect you can begin to taper down and take on an intermittent schedule (see next question).
Can I use it every day or night?
Yes. There is no harm in taking Zenbev everyday or night, however, it may not be necessary as there is a positive effect felt for a few days after you stop using it. The best rule of thumb is that it takes a few doses before its optimal benefit is seen and it continues to work for a few days/nights after it was last taken. One way of optimizing this benefit is to take the mix for 5 days/nights and then stop it for 2 days/nights. Once your sleep problem is under control it is easy to stop and may not be necessary to remain taking indefinitely.
Does Zenbev have any side effects?
Zenbev has no side effects as it is a completely natural product that works with your body, not against. Please note, it does take about 30 minutes for the circulating melatonin to become inactive after the sun rises or lights are turned on. During that time there may be drowsiness, which subsides upon exposure to light and does not interfere with daytime functioning.
How does Zenbev compare to other insomnia treatments?
Zenbev is unique. It is the only sleep aid that works within your brain’s own natural sleep chemistry. It provides your body with the ingredients it needs to naturally produce its own melatonin throughout the night. This allows Zenbev to improve all 5-stages of the sleep-cycle, whereas other sleep aids, including prescription drugs and OTC antihistamines, actually suppress the deep-sleep stages (3&4) as well as REM (dream) sleep!
Is there a risk of becoming dependent on Zenbev to fall asleep?
No. Almost all sleep drugs are associated with either dependence or tolerance because they synthetically override the brain’s natural sleep chemistry. Zenbev does not cause dependence or tolerance because it works within the brain’s natural sleep chemistry and maintains the body’s normal processes as recognized food ingredients. You can stop Zenbev at anytime with no ill effects.
Will it knock me out?
No. Zenbev does not work like the other sleep aids. Zenbev allows your brain to produce as much natural melatonin as it needs to ensure you get a deep, restful sleep throughout the night by promoting and supporting normal sleep architecture. You may find that you still wake up at times but Zenbev has proven in studies to significantly reduce the number of times waking up and the amount of time spent awake in the night.
Why doesn’t Zenbev dissolve in water?
Zenbev is like protein powder in that it blends or mixes with the liquid of your choice rather than dissolving like a tea. This may make it a bit of work to stir, but don’t worry, that’s why we include our Zenbev Shaker cup with all Starter Specials to effortlessly mix up your favourite Zenbev drink! Whisking with a fork works well in a pinch, too.
Can I use Zenbev if I am taking an anti-depressant?
Yes, but it is best to do so under the supervision of your prescribing physician.
Who should avoid taking Zenbev?
Do not take Zenbev if you have been diagnosed with Lupus. Those who plan to drive or operate heavy machinery at night should not take Zenbev before doing so. If you are diabetic, please consult the nutritional panel and your doctor. Zenbev is not recommended for children under 16 years of age, or pregnant or nursing women.
If Zenbev really is all-natural, why do you not recommend it for children or pregnant/nursing women?
Despite the fact that Zenbev is made with all-natural ingredients, it is formulated to actively and effectively pulse the tryptophan in your system, almost like the power of a drug but without the side effects to adults. No testing of this formulation has been conducted on children to date so it is safer to not recommend to those under 16 until it can be regarded as completely safe for them.

Hvernig á að nota Zenbev?

Taktu Zenbev Drink Mix á nóttunni við svefnleysi og á morgnana til að draga úr kvíðaeinkennum.

Byrjaðu með 1 ausu í þrjár nætur. Blandið saman við heitt vatn eða uppáhalds drykkinn þinn sem ekki er koffeinlaus. Blanda skal súkkulaði Zenbev í mjólk, hrísgrjónumjólk, sojamjólk eða möndlumjólk til að fá sem bestan smekk. Fyrir þá sem eru að forðast vökva fyrir svefn skaltu blanda saman við eplalús og skoða sumar uppskriftir okkar.

Taktu hálftíma fyrir svefn og gerðu eitthvað róandi og slakandi (þ.e.a.s. ekki andlega örvandi) áður en þú ferð að sofa. Eftir þrjár nætur skaltu auka skammtinn um hálft ausa og gera þrjár nætur í viðbót til að ná tilætluðum áhrifum. Haltu áfram að auka eftir þörfum. Tvær ausur duga venjulega fyrir flesta, þó þurfa sumir einstaklingar meira. Sérstakar kröfur eru ekki beint tengdar líkamsþyngd, lífefnafræði hvers og eins er mismunandi.

Það tekur venjulega nokkra skammta áður en bestur ávinningur sést og hann heldur áfram að vinna í nokkra daga / nætur eftir að hann var síðast tekinn. Ein leið til að hagræða þessum ávinningi er að taka Zenbev í 5-7 daga / nætur og stöðva það síðan í 2-3 daga / nætur áður en þú byrjar aftur á ný í svipuðu mynstri.

Hægt er að taka Zenbev á öruggan hátt daglega og einnig er hægt að hætta því hvenær sem er. Vertu viss um að þú takir B-flókið fjölvítamín þar sem tryptófan umbrotnar í B3 vítamín ef líkami þinn gæti verið ábótavant.

Þarftu meiri svefnhjálp? Spyrðu um ÓKEYPIS leiðbeiningar um eina viku í betri svefn.

A money-back guarantee is provided on a case-by-case basis for the Zenbev Sampler for first time purchases. We recommend that you try Zenbev for at least 10 days in a row to give your system a chance to respond. As with most natural products, Zenbev can take time to work into your body’s natural chemistry, but patience is rewarded. With increased use, your body comes to recognize and respond quickly, even after a long break.

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